My sis switched on the Television, and we started watching a documentary show about some terrorists in Russia.. Hmmm.. i don't know if it's wrong to blog about this. But it's really sad to see all this... I wonder why ppl want to kill another human being... Especially children.
323 hostages, including 156 children, died in the siege in the southern town.
If i could remove something from human. It would be anger and hatred. We should all live in harmony. Why kill?
When i saw the fear in those children faces... I felt really helpless. I bet they felt that too.
Tears blurred my vision when i saw a boy, paled-face with his eyes wide open, as if he don't even know how to blink. He didn't move much since he was injured. But he seemed to feel no pain. I'm sure he was numbed with fear.
I wish that God could somehow stop this from happening again.
Will this ever stop? * * * * *
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Was watching the last 15 minutes of the 9pm show... I was doing DPD powerpoint slides... hai...
So many shows are like sooOOO romantic nowadays. That's the reason why so many of us watch TV... (I guess.) To see what we don't see in real life. To feel the happiness that we can't feel in reality. To dream about those romantic scenes, wishing that it'll happen on u.
For example a show i watched, a guy who will buy a present every time he quarrelled with his wife. LOL. Kind of hilarious. I'm not being mean or what. Does anyone do it? I mean really really do it?
Or maybe guys should learn from it? (It's sweet by the way.) But i doubt such romantic things seldom happen. Am i right or wrong to say that? Sometimes i really wonder. Maybe i just haven't meet the right guy. Or maybe there isn't such a guy living on earth. Mr. Right guy>?? It's all a dream. An imagination.
Though my friends and i often talked about our future husband, who is rich, handsome, faithful and honest(after going out with a couple of guys.. kinda think this must be one of my first and most important criteria), romantic and a person with good character, smart.. blah blah blah.. continue with a hell long list of good qualities....
Well, to be honest. I so damn skeptical about True Love. I wonder does it exist. And why is there such word in the first place? Izzit from TV as well?
Ha.. i better not say too much.. in case i really meet my special someone.. and i'll sink and drown into the sea of love... till i can't breathe... and i'll get so.... ok.. my imagination is running wild.
Does true love really exist? Sometimes it seemed to exist... but how long can it last??? Someone can say, "I love you forever, Dear.." Yeah. It's only for that moment that you'll think it'll be forever. Wait till u see each other's face for like 80 years down the road. Nah.... let's make it 10 years. Or maybe 5 years when you have kids... Will both of you still be deeply in love, like as if you just had ur honey-moon? Doubt so.
And even if you love the person when both of u are old... Will the person still love u as much? I don't know. You won't know. Cause you can't read his/her mind. Or maybe he/she will show by finding another someone else, have an affair? Make life interesting with all the breakup or divorce shit.
Or Love just fade off. Live together due to committment... for the sake of your kids. Or cause u just didn't meet someone new... so you shall just stick with the old.
Whatever man.
Damn. It happened really often that i don't even know what i'm talking about.
Bye. * * * * *
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
I really have problem sleeping... Either i can't fall asleep at night, or i'll wake up in the morning when i slept for less than 8 hours. Can anyone help me? Give me some good tips. I've tired warm milk, reading books, drinking some dried-logan, that chinese physician said its good.
What else?
Damn it. * * * * *
Monday, July 10, 2006
I've just burnt a SUPERBIGhole in my pocket! Thanks to vainity.
*Sarcastic tone* "Thank you very much." Ok. I'm getting insane.. As if the intangible word will reply "It is my pleasure." Duh.... Lame.
Decided to seek a dermatologist cause the cream that my GP gave has no effect on me.
The doc took a pic of my face.. and when i looked at it... I was like... "What the __________(fill in the blank)... "
Then when i saw the Bill$... I'm like... "What the ___________ (fill in the blank again)!"
What the @%@!~!@#$%^&**&)#!%^(@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think i haven't really said so much #@$$#@% for a long long time... Till today.
Today is a 5 minutes talk to the doc for $106. (How i wish i was him! I'm joking. He's about 60 years old?) And 2 weeks later gotta pay another bout $200 for products. Congrats.
Pls pray for me... so i can stop whining and complaining and grumbling and... Wah lao. Damn naggy.
*Frowning* "All because of you! (Yes you! Stupid unbalance hormones. Or whatever you are called that causes all this.) " "Thanks a lot. Thank you very VERY much."
* * * * *
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Haha... yuP. Finally went out with Hui Ying, Saw Shufie while on our way to Far east.. Tried the "Curry puff" hair.. but i didn't really carry it very well.. Ha... So, i shall try and put my fringe down tmr. let's see how it work..
Just came back from J8, was shopping with Colleen for stupid painful court shoes... Need to get one good, hardy, comfortable and not so expen$ive one... But still gotta burn a hole to buy one $60 pair.. okay la.. not that expen$ive.. fortunately. Ha... So decided to take a pic in Charles & Keith.. haha... Both of us. So Nerdish. Lol. Quite embarrassing. My darling Colleen is not feeling very well.. Poor her. Really pray that everything will turn out well. *Hugs Hugs* * * * * *
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Vainity - Woman's silent killer.
Nah.. I guess it's for both male and female now. Here comes the word - 'Metrosexual'. Guess they are somewhat attractive?? Oooh.. Like David Beckham. Lol.
And it's no longer silent. It's blaring! (Not literally.) While shopping, look around and you'll realise all the different skin care products~ Be it those expensive over-the-counter products, like LancĂ´me, to The Face Shop, to some unknown brands and a lot more.. (Lazy to name them).
Blah blah blah... Am I skipping topics here and there unknowingly or talking nonsense again? (Bad habits die hard huh?)
Well, I think i looked hideous now. With a (stupid) sudden outbreak of pimples.
Damn. I'm sooooOOOO depressed... Kill me please. (Please don't. I'm exaggerating.) Fortunately, it stopped.. So.. Now is the 'healing-period'. I really dread stepping out of my house sometimes and I've ceased using make-ups. (Unless i'm meeting some ppl & think I should look presentable.) So. Please don't give me that 'What-Happen-To-You' look. Or maybe i'm thinking too much.
Just wait 'till you see me back from China! (Ha! Maybe it'll be worse.) Colleen, Linda & I are kinda on a diet... Shu Fen are you on diet too? No rite?? I want to reduce the amount of fats everywhere! (Excluding my chest area. Thank you.) Reason - We are warned 'bout the possibility of wearing Cheongsam during attachment. Hmmm... *Imagine*
Taken in 2005... Let's see our changes in 2007... Hmm... Don't know what else to say... So BYE~~!!
* * * * *
Saturday, July 01, 2006
This blog is posted up as a tribute,
specially for Hui Ting for bringing so much joy to my life!
*Thunderous claps filled the earth*
Next special thanks: This old but hardy camera that helped us capture memories that no amount of money in this world can buy. *Deafening cheers heard throughout the world*
Thanks to the holiday that brought us so much closer!
And we've met each other 3 times in less than a month... Ha. Broke record. Lol. Sad huh? We didn't used to go out that often last time.
Before i start... Can you find where both of us are?? (Primary 6, 1998, Childrens' Day = My birthday!) Lol. Ugly right? Told you i'm almost underweight! Believe me k?! Ha. I'm not fat like now! ARG.
Hai.... Really am eating unhealthy food with Tingy. Fatty... Sugary.... but yummy...... Hai~~ End of day of 10 June 2006.
Start of 25th June 2006. Snapping pics even in toilets. Ha...
While sitting down.. I found someone looking familiar... Yes! It's CHAN CHEOW JOO!
See. She's so glad i'm taking pics of her.
Deadly food again.... Hai....
I found a new drink that i like! No more yummy mos burger milk tea~ Next fav! Some Lemonade drink! YUM! Ha. Why do i look like advertising the drink?
Started trying out new camera options. 16 clicks in 16 seconds. So fast~ Don't even know what to pose.
~*Me and Ting*~
Getting late. Taking one more pic before we go.
Ha... That doesn't stop us from taking more pics. Goodness. Took a shot on the bus before we seperate. End od 25 June 2006.
Start of 1 July 2006. YuP, snapping away in the same Taka toilet. Seemed that we will always go there before we go other places. Ha. Taking pics while on the way to somewhere again. And our last stop. Can you imagine how much fat content is inside?? It's amazing that i got quite turn-off while eating half-way... I used to finish the whole plate! Now it's no longer my favourite. Yea!!! ACHIEVEMENT.
All in all.... Thanks for the day.
But before i end, i also wanna thank Colleen, Shu Fen, Linda and Garry for going out with me on Friday to search for luggage and winter wear.